Monday, December 22, 2014

Next Up...

We had our December meeting and have decided on our next project.

We are going to be making re-usable shopping bags for the mission team that is heading to Mexico in July 2015.

We have agreed to make 100 bags for them to take, fill with groceries and pass out to the people they meet.  Typically they purchase bags to take with them.

HZUMC is currently forming the team that will be going to Mexico City.  While in Mexico the team will work with our Faith Promise Partner OSI - Operation Serve International.  The tentative date for the trip is July 11 - July 18, 2015.

The bags will be constructed from heavy material and will be made using this pattern.  The bags are generous in size (using 1 yard of fabric) and have a piece of fabric covered cardboard in the bottom to make them sturdy.  (I love the sample bag that I made- I may have to make extras when the project is done so that I can use them too!)

Here are some additional directions that I drew out to help make it easier to follow:

If you are interested in helping, please join us at our next meeting - January 20, 2015 at 6:00pm.  If you cannot attend the meetings, but would like to make some bags, please contact Carey at  We would love for you to help us!

Other ways you can help:

*  Pray!  For the project and more importantly, for the people who will receive the bags.
*  Join us at our meetings to cut, iron or sew.
*  Sew bags on your own.
*  Donate any heavy-weight fabric that you may not need.
(the fabric for the sample bag below is made from home decor fabric from JoAnn Fabrics.)

Thank you so much for your help in making these projects possible!  God's work cannot be completed without His servants- like YOU!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

First Project Complete!

There is only one word to describe it.


God is amazing.  He provides.
Not just once, but over and over.  He is forever faithful.

He has not failed us this time!  He guided this project the entire way.

(Psst- let me tell you a secret.  He's.Not.Done.)

We may have completed our part, but these shoe boxes are just beginning their journey.  They have a long way to go.  But when they arrive, OH the JOY!

Please continue to pray for the boxes as they travel and for the precious children that will receive them!

Below you will see pictures from tonight.
Tonight we gathered together and prayed over the dolls and boxes (twice!)  We then inserted the dolls into the boxes.  We had a lot of fun and it went rather quickly.

Thank you to every one who came and helped!!

 Pile of boy dolls.

 Pile of girl dolls.

All the boxes that were turned in.

The completed dolls!

There are 201.

Two hundred and one dolls!!

Many different hands touched these dolls.
So much love went into them.
I pray that the children who receive them can feel that love.

God is so good!

What a beautiful sight!

There are 261 boxes!

What a generous church!!

The pile is so big, you could hide a child!

So, if you're any good with math, you probably picked up that we didn't quite have enough dolls for all the boxes.

201 dolls
261 boxes

Not quite the same number.
But still pretty amazing that the ladies were able to complete 201 dolls in just a few months.

I also want to say what an awesome congregation HZUMC has.

We had TWO small groups join us at different times.
Some evenings we had as many as 17 people there!

THANK YOU for taking a week (or two) off of you Bible study to come join the Daughters of Dorcas.

The children who will receive the dolls appreciate you.

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.
YOU are doing kingdom work.

It truly does matter.

Next meeting:

December 16, 2014 6:00pm-8:30pm

Please join us as we discuss our next project!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October Meeting

Last night we had our regular October meeting.
I am blown away!  We had 14 ladies!!
It was such a blessing to have an entire small group join us for the night.
Praise God!

THANK YOU to those who came and served! 
You are truly doing Kingdom Work.

Just imagine the young children who are going to be opening these shoe boxes.  I can just see the smiles YOU are bringing to their faces.

Here are some pictures of our night together.

Collection box for completed dolls.  It will soon be overflowing.

Arms and legs being stuffed.

Hands of one of Jesus' servants at work.

Stacks of arms and legs to be turned and stuffed.  By the end of the evening they were all done!

Turning and stuffing arms and legs!

Beautiful embroidery on the faces.
Doesn't that just make your heart melt?!

Stack of dollies in progress.

The ladies working hard!  There was hardly any talking due to such intense concentration. 

A stack of legs to be sewn (and they were by the end of the night!)

Lining up our finished dolls! (some need faces, but others are 100% complete!

Stack of dolls waiting for faces to be embroidered.

More legs!

We had such a fun evening!  It's a great time, I hope that you will consider stopping by one evening to join us!

In order to meet our goal, we will be meeting the following days:

Tuesday, October 28 6:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday, November 4 6:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday, November 11 6:00pm-8:00pm

Regular Meeting:
Tuesday, November 18 6:00pm-8:30pm
** We will be praying over the dolls and
inserting them into the shoe boxes. **

THANK YOU very much for serving this wonderful ministry!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Special Meeting Dates

We are fast approaching our deadline, so we have set up a few extra sewing nights.  Do not feel that you have to come to all of them, but please come to any that you are able to.

Our new goal is to have 300 dolls done by National Collection Week for the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.

Thank you for your help in making this possible!

Regular meeting is Tuesday, October 21, 6:00pm-8:30pm in Room 005 @ HZUMC

Special meetings:

Tuesday, October 28, 6:00-8:00pm Room 005 @ HZUMC
Tuesday, November 4, 6:00pm-8:00pm Room 005 @ HZUMC
Tuesday, November 11, 6:00pm-8:00pm Room 005 @ HZUMC

Regular Meeting:  Tuesday, November 18, 6:00pm-8:30pm Room 005 @ HZUMC

**** At this meeting I plan to pray over the dolls
and to insert them into all the shoe boxes.  ****  

Please plan on attending if you wish to help
send these dolls off with LOVE and PRAYER!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Meeting

If you haven't stopped in to a meeting yet, you really should!  They are so much fun!  It is so good to fellowship with others (and to work on a project together!)

Last night we had 7 ladies, 3 of which were new!  Thank you for joining us!  We were able to finish 8 dolls and have a lot more ready to finish.  There are many stages and I think we have dolls in all of them right now!!

If you can't sew, or can't transport your machine- do not fret!  There are enough things for you to do.  We had ladies cutting out pattern pieces, or stuffing little arms and legs.  You could even just cheer us on! 

We have a lot more dolls to finish, so would you please consider helping?!  If you can't make the meetings, maybe you would be willing to work on some dolls on your own time.  Please contact Carey ( if you are interested in doing this.  She has the patterns and can give you some direction!  

Here are some photos from our time together!

Below is a doll that my daughter (she's almost 7 years old) made, from cutting to sewing, she did most of the work!

These ladies were having a sew-off!  Both finishing dolls at the same time.  It is such a joy when you finally complete a doll!  There was definitely some cheering going on!

Below is the lineup of the completed dolls (the 2 on the right will have faces embroidered soon.)

Shoe box full of dolls!

Please help us meet our goal of having a doll to put in each box turned in at HZUMC!  Don't you think these dolls will put a HUGE smile on a child's face.  I can just picture them loving these dolls so much.

Next meeting is October 21, 6:00pm-8:30pm.

I am considering adding a few more sewing nights, so stay tuned for updates.