Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year, New Project

Welcome to 2017!

Since it's a new year, it's time to start a new project!

We will be making smile bags and smile dolls for Operation Smile.  If you click here, you can read about the organization and why they exist.  They are making a difference in children's lives and I think that our group can help their efforts.

We will spend the next 5-6 months working on this project, in that time I believe we can accomplish a lot!

Please consider joining us.  There will be cutting, sewing and threading ribbon that will need to be done on each item.  We would love to have you!  Please contact me and let me know if you would like to be a part of this ministry.  I do send out email reminders of meetings and if we have to cancel, so please contact me by clicking here so that I can add you to the list.

Thank you for supporting this ministry and for spreading the love of Jesus one stitch at a time.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

In 2016 we finished out the year by sewing hand puppets for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  We started out with a few animal patterns and by the time we were done we had dozens of different ideas!!

Our sewing group grew as well- we had many new faces (even some more children!) attend.  We had to set up more tables!!  What a blessing!!

I pray that 2017 brings even more growth and more projects so that we can bless others in our community and around the world.

Here are some highlights of our time creating the hand puppets!  Please consider joining us in this New Year.

Little Dresses for Africa

I'm a little behind on updating.....

We completed our sixth project which was sewing Little Dresses for Africa.  We had a great time picking out fabrics and sewing these.  We completed 28 dresses and sent them on their way to Africa!!  We hope that these are a blessing to those that receive them and that they would feel the Love of Jesus as they wear them.  They were certainly sewn with LOVE!