Wednesday, February 10, 2016

One Project Finished, Another Project Started!

It's a new year, so that means a new project!

First, let me recap what we just finished.  We spent January finishing up our last project: neck pillows and walker bags for Evergreen Nursing Home.

We completed 13 neck pillows and 16 walker/wheelchair bags!!

Thank you to everyone who helped!
We dropped them off today and the activities director was very excited!!!
She was going to pass them out at the resident's BINGO game.

Here are some pictures of the completed items:
(all made from your generous donations of fabric!!)

For the next project we have decided to sew dresses for 

We have already gone through our fabric donations and pulled out all fabric that would be big enough and appropriate for the African climate.  We have fabric to make quite a range of sizes, from small to extra-large.
These dresses can be made with pillowcases, but don't have many of those.

If you are interested in donating a pillowcase (or 2 or 3) please let me know!  We will gladly take them and transform them into a dress for a girl in Africa.

Thank you for your continued support of this ministry!
Through YOU many lives are being touched.