Tuesday, November 18, 2014

First Project Complete!

There is only one word to describe it.


God is amazing.  He provides.
Not just once, but over and over.  He is forever faithful.

He has not failed us this time!  He guided this project the entire way.

(Psst- let me tell you a secret.  He's.Not.Done.)

We may have completed our part, but these shoe boxes are just beginning their journey.  They have a long way to go.  But when they arrive, OH the JOY!

Please continue to pray for the boxes as they travel and for the precious children that will receive them!

Below you will see pictures from tonight.
Tonight we gathered together and prayed over the dolls and boxes (twice!)  We then inserted the dolls into the boxes.  We had a lot of fun and it went rather quickly.

Thank you to every one who came and helped!!

 Pile of boy dolls.

 Pile of girl dolls.

All the boxes that were turned in.

The completed dolls!

There are 201.

Two hundred and one dolls!!

Many different hands touched these dolls.
So much love went into them.
I pray that the children who receive them can feel that love.

God is so good!

What a beautiful sight!

There are 261 boxes!

What a generous church!!

The pile is so big, you could hide a child!

So, if you're any good with math, you probably picked up that we didn't quite have enough dolls for all the boxes.

201 dolls
261 boxes

Not quite the same number.
But still pretty amazing that the ladies were able to complete 201 dolls in just a few months.

I also want to say what an awesome congregation HZUMC has.

We had TWO small groups join us at different times.
Some evenings we had as many as 17 people there!

THANK YOU for taking a week (or two) off of you Bible study to come join the Daughters of Dorcas.

The children who will receive the dolls appreciate you.

Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.
YOU are doing kingdom work.

It truly does matter.

Next meeting:

December 16, 2014 6:00pm-8:30pm

Please join us as we discuss our next project!