Monday, December 22, 2014

Next Up...

We had our December meeting and have decided on our next project.

We are going to be making re-usable shopping bags for the mission team that is heading to Mexico in July 2015.

We have agreed to make 100 bags for them to take, fill with groceries and pass out to the people they meet.  Typically they purchase bags to take with them.

HZUMC is currently forming the team that will be going to Mexico City.  While in Mexico the team will work with our Faith Promise Partner OSI - Operation Serve International.  The tentative date for the trip is July 11 - July 18, 2015.

The bags will be constructed from heavy material and will be made using this pattern.  The bags are generous in size (using 1 yard of fabric) and have a piece of fabric covered cardboard in the bottom to make them sturdy.  (I love the sample bag that I made- I may have to make extras when the project is done so that I can use them too!)

Here are some additional directions that I drew out to help make it easier to follow:

If you are interested in helping, please join us at our next meeting - January 20, 2015 at 6:00pm.  If you cannot attend the meetings, but would like to make some bags, please contact Carey at  We would love for you to help us!

Other ways you can help:

*  Pray!  For the project and more importantly, for the people who will receive the bags.
*  Join us at our meetings to cut, iron or sew.
*  Sew bags on your own.
*  Donate any heavy-weight fabric that you may not need.
(the fabric for the sample bag below is made from home decor fabric from JoAnn Fabrics.)

Thank you so much for your help in making these projects possible!  God's work cannot be completed without His servants- like YOU!